Tuesday, October 30, 2007

W14 Final

W14 Final

Brushed up on the Entrance details and completed the teleporter, with 4 co-ordinates: The first 3 parts of the puzzle, and you also get the choice of teleporting directly to the MMShare portion, where you can enter the puzzle letters... CONTROL.

I was given a uniform recently, and it ties in with my Entrance creation. I would be the information/helpdesk person (and secretly guarding the of the entrance from radioactive people)

We also evaluated the other classes work. Quite impressed by the detail of the Flinders St Station.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

W13 Second Life Completion

W13 - Second Life Space Station

Completed the modeling for the entrance to the Space Station

Thursday, October 11, 2007

W11 Space Station Work

W11 Additional Modelling.

Did further work on the Space Station. Recognised the limitations of the dome, since building section sizes are limited to 10m. Developed the shapes ideas.

I will be creating the entrance platform, where people fly in from.

Great story description from David Green.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

W10 Refining Space Station Idea

W10 Refining Space Station Idea

Refined the idea of our Space platform.

Central dome with individual orbs or sections coming out from it. Central dome have communal meeting area? or outside? No... The bar and social areas don't seem to be places that people want to visit in their spare time outside of the semester... I suppose being outcome and story oriented is more practical than creating a avatar utopia.

I like the retro aesthetic, because it has chunky geometric shapes that can be constructed in 2nd Life easier.
Great retro website here.
History & Story

  • mmshare "evil lair"
  • secret society to enter dome
  • series of tasks to enter dome
  • rotating object or doors aligning

One piece of puzzle in every small dome
  • pick up an object
  • makes a word or sentence
  • type in or similar (enter into a keypad)
  • opens door to mmshare get supercape or costume or uniform or tshirt
  • create domes and words around this

Monday, September 10, 2007

W9 2nd Life - Creating Guns

W9 2nd Life - Creating Guns

With a "pop" gun , we R-Click - Open - Delete (the current bullet) ... Drag the new renamed bullet eg. parrot... make sure the object is physical (object tab)

Went to a freebie warehouse and started looking at Shuttles and Ship with Nathan for the Spacestation

Monday, September 3, 2007

W8 Non-Linear Stories

W8 Non-Linear Stories & Narratives

Eliza, a simple text based therapist.

Kathrine Phelp's Glasswings

Alternate Reality Games - Wiki
http://www.ilovebees.com/links.html Promotion for Halo.

Watched Run Lola Run...

and used a 'multi-linear' model.

Monday, August 27, 2007


W7 Story Shapes and Narratives

Plotting and story shapes:

Linear narrative and Greek Three act play

Hero’s Journey and modern day examples of Joseph Campbell's theory... That the analysis of many stories from different cultures have a common thread.

  • Separation
  • Initition and
  • Return

Watched Monkey and apllied concepts of the model in terms of Setup, Turning Pt, Crisis, Climax and Denoumont

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

W6 T-shirt & Belt / Hat Designs

W6 - Ideas, Space Stations

We found a template for a t-shirt and applied our own designs to it.

I also created a belt which we attached to our avatar.
Wea slo talked about other ideas for the island and came up with a Space Station idea.
Space Station
  • Shuttle ship
  • Costume shop (eg wookie outfit)
  • Holodeck
  • Gun ship
  • Biodome
  • Elevators
  • Evil Lair
  • Bar

Monday, August 20, 2007

W6 2nd Life Character

W6 2nd Life Character - T-shirt design

Downloaded a Photoshop t-shirt here and put our own designs and uploaded them into our character.

Also created a belt and attached it to my character

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

W5 2nd Life House

W5 2nd Life House

We experimented with basic 3D shapes and created a house with multiple levels

W5 - 2nd Life Character

W5 - 2nd Life Character

We tweeked our appearance in 2nd Life, and compared our realife photo with the profile.

We also took snapshots of objects we put uploaded a picture onto as a texture.
Then we created a house with basic shapes.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

W4 - Second Life - Location Reviews

W4 - Location Reviews

Chilbo Town Hall & Library

  • Attractive staircase

  • Beautiful texture

  • Bit bare, no objects

Ambleside - Jeska Linden - Office Area

  • Realistic texture

  • Well displayed artwork

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

W3 Creating characters: character sketches.

W3 Creating characters: character sketches.

Picked a name from peices of paper

Funtoosh - Character

Obvious physical thing about character to other people

Dark skin, long hair.

Obvious to the char to themselves

Exotic. Lively.

Unique and special that others don't have

Master swordperson

Situation they would normally be in

Horse farm

Situation they would never be in

Killing innocents

Environment you would normally find them in

The plains of Mongolia

Environment you would never find them in

Cold icy climates, with snow and frost

Put them in a situation they would not normally be in. Write for 10 mins

Environment you would never find them in; Cold icy climates, with snow and frost
Situation they would never be in; Killing innocents

Her horse was running weary now, they had been on the trot for 5 days straight without stopping. Mongolia was not know for its hospitable terrain. They had not come across any food, but she knew it would not be long before one of them would perish... but she had to get to the city before the children died. She had to think clearly, the cold made her alert, but the hunger left her delerious. It would not be long before she had to kill again. She touched the hilt of her sword.

Enough. She headed towards the valley. She would find food there.

There was light coming from beyond the trees. She slipped off the

Learn things from the char they didn't know first. Looking forwd to meeting the char. Think about how the char devlps over time but don't worry about planning it out to much.
Think about 2nd life character. http://art.tafe.vu.edu.au/sschutt/wmm/character.html

Character Kit
Think about this same person and apply the following set of criteria to them:
  • Super-objective
  • I see myself as (five keywords)
  • if I were a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a.....
  • I dress to accentuate my.....
  • I dress to hide my.....
  • I lead with my....(body part)
  • My idea of a good night is......
  • My idea of a bad night is.....
  • I value my best friend because they.....
  • Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site
  • Relaxing means.....
This is what's known as a "character kit" - a set of questions you can use to build up the depth and believability of a character

The Givens

Of course, most characters will have these attributes too:

  • social position
  • age
  • sex
  • health
  • physique

Note: interesting characters often "go against" - that is, they will have interesting kinks, anomalies and even clashes between their various physical, social and emotional characteristics.

Dialogue isn't natural, even it seems that way. You have to choose the words to reinforce the sense of the person, and also the action - but the action is more important!Exercise: Write a short scenario for two characters (not dialogue, just an outline). It should have this basic dramatic shape:
a situation that establishes two characters
a revelation uncovering conflicting goals
an escalation of conflict
a turning point
a resolution Then add the dialogue and directions - one page worth at the most.Now work on it with a partner:
clarify the situation
read it aloud playing the parts
refine the dialogueExercise Two: many interactive projects with dialogue involve the construction of dialogue trees (also known as "consequence pathing"). We'll have a go constructing one of these.

Monday, July 30, 2007

W3 Postcards & Writing

W3 Postcards Exercise - Creative writing

Theres nothing like the freedom of being on holiday. The best most relaxing ones are the ones where you just do nothing. The sun was warm and the breeze along the river was fresh and smelled of spring. I looked around, but I knew there wasn't anyone there. Secretly, I have always wanted to hang around naked. I tossed my t-shirt to the bow of the boat.

It reminded me of the time I went to Kho Samui when a heavy droplets of rain blanketed the pristine beach and cooled a blistering day from the air.

As if responding to my memory, a large droplet of water landed against my skin, I smiled... until it started burning.

Writing and Literacy

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

W2 - The Secret, Town Planning

W2 - The Secret, Town Planning
I tend to have problems with generating ideas. The Secret idea was a very interesting way of getting the juices flowing.

Talked about Second Life Town, http://wm1city.blogspot.com/ I am working with Jay and Parv on the Town Hall.

The group work blog can be found http://zangmeister86.blogspot.com

Sunday, June 17, 2007

W1 WMM Intro

W1 WMM Intro
Stefan and Dale introduced the Writing for MM... Very interesting. Initially I thought WMM would be mostly very dry writing for software manuals and technical documentation.

Seems like there is a lot more to it... the descriptions of where the future is heading is also very intruiging (especially the the "Amsterdam Super Mario" and augmented reality)

Kinda like a lot of movies...